I sat this morning wondering what could possible make a prophet of God believe that he can hide from Jehovah?
Jonah was not just a mere servant of God, he was a prophet sent to a great city called Nineveh. Jonah unlike other prophets of God forgot that he owed loyalty to God.
Bible says Jonah fled upon receiving his assignment. He got on a ship headed for Tarshish and even in that ship he went to the bottom (the dark hold) to hide from God's presence.
Hmm... How is that possible? How can a prophet believe he could hide from God?
Distractions and new interests outside God's presence will rob us of spiritual judgment. Jonah had gotten so indulge with other idols (distractions) that he, even he forgot that Jehovah is omnipresent and no man can hide from God not to talk of He's wrath.
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Jonah in the belly of the whale |
A Servant and Prophet, lost the most precious thing in his life; The Presence of Jehovah.
In Jonah2:7, we see Jonah reduced to the bottom of the sea. A most unnatural position for a human being.
A lot of "Servants" of God can identify with this very position today. Not because they are not serving God, but because they have not served God on God's terms. Serving but not serving. Serving at their convenience. Serving with distractions. This will only lead to stagnation!
If you do not do your work well and (work) according to the terms of your "contract" you will not be promoted.
Jonah eventually confessed not just disobedience but also that he "remembered God"...in His power, sovereignty, awesomeness, and even his mercy.
"When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, LORD, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple. "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs." (Jonah 2:7-8)NIV.
Idols are those things (vanity) in our lives that take the place of God. Distractions from the Kingdom duties God has given us. These could be things we are so attracted to: money, jewelry, cars, games, TV, gadgets, women, etc... John further instructs us saying...
"Dear children, keep yourselves from idols."
(1 John 5:21) NKJ.
"Dear children, keep away from anything that
might take God's place in your hearts. Amen."
(1 John 5:21) NLB.
Reconcile with God and break out of that cage! Like He heard Jonah's cry, He will hear yours.
Have a limit breaking week! God bless you.
Profound. There is a prayer that I usually pray. I ask God to help me serve Him on His own terms not mine. It is so easy to be busy with the work of the Lord, but have no time for the Lord of the work. Lord have mercy.